Farewell to Arms
Salted Caramel
Get Angry
Random Drug Testing
Clothes Maketh the Man
Six Panels: Terfs
Entitled to and is Valid
Iconic Duos: Rick and Morty
The Past Decade
A Call to Arms
Going Out with a Bang
Top Toons of 2022
Here we are again. Another one done. 2022 was a year, eh? To say plenty happened would be an understatement… The impact of Tory governance for 12 years (and counting) and voting to leave the EU REALLY started to bite, with cost of living increases and inflation forcing millions into poverty and financial hardship while energy companies and supermarket chains report record breaking profits, multiple Conservative Governments proving themselves unfit for office, a Jubilee AND a state funeral, strikes galore (up the workers) and a crumbling NHS.
Plus another year of Tut and Groan doing its thing.
I’ll try and keep it light from here on. No promises, mind…