Top Toons of 2022

Here we are again. Another one done. 2022 was a year, eh? To say plenty happened would be an understatement… The impact of Tory governance for 12 years (and counting) and voting to leave the EU REALLY started to bite, with cost of living increases and inflation forcing millions into poverty and financial hardship while energy companies and supermarket chains report record breaking profits, multiple Conservative Governments proving themselves unfit for office, a Jubilee AND a state funeral, strikes galore (up the workers) and a crumbling NHS.

Plus another year of Tut and Groan doing its thing.

I’ll try and keep it light from here on. No promises, mind…

For the first time in a long time, life has been relatively straightforward for your favourite bad cartoonist this year. Those merch ideas I mentioned in the previous list are sat in a cupboard in my house and at some point I’ll pull my finger out and properly re-launch the T&G Shop. Sign up to the mailing list to find out when it all happens, as I probably won’t make too big a fuss about it when I do.

Apart from having to exist and raise a child in 2022 Britain, we’ve done OK… price rises, heatwaves, torrential downpours and nonstop illness since September notwithstanding (fucking preschool kids and their germy grossness…)

As usual, the comics that received the most views in 2022 were older ones that randomly rank well in Google searches but that’s not this list focuses on. This list is all about comics that fell out of my head this year only.

Interestingly (for me, at least) the most popular toon this year was a six panel comic strip. A topical six panel comic strip. Hopefully it still works without the context with which it was made.

As usual, the list is a mix of toons I expected to see and those I didn’t. A couple of hacky political cartoons make the grade, as does some philosophy, social media etiquette and subtle social commentary. Only two wordplay jokes make the cut in a list dominated by comic strips…

But enough from me. No more fucking about. Let’s have a butcher’s at the most popular Tut and Groan comics created and shared in 2022:

Tut and Groan Six Panels: Comment Visibility cartoon

Six Panels: Comment Visibility

Tut and Groan Populist Politics cartoon

Populist Politics

Tut and Groan Three Panels: Brownies cartoon

Three Panels: Posh Brownies

Tut and Groan Tory Leadership Contest cartoon

Tory Leadership Contest

Tut and Groan Three Panels: Oyster cartoon

Three Panels: Oyster

Tut and Groan Opening a Can of Worms cartoon

Opening a Can of Worms

Tut and Groan Coarse Fishing cartoon

Coarse Fishing

Tut and Groan Three Panels: Acknowledge cartoon

Three Panels: Acknowledge

Tut and Groan Three Panels: Give a Fuck cartoon

Three Panels: Give a Fuck

Tut and Groan Six Panels: Expensive Present cartoon
Six Panels: Expensive Present